
Friday 29 January 2010

I am sick

I tend to get sick around this time of the year. Probably due to the "small fire" in my Ba Chi chart, the "small fire" prone to be weaken by the cold winter weather, that's what I read from the fung shui books, believe it or not...I am not so sure about this theory.

Lack of sleep is definitely one of the contributory factors in lowering my immune system thus cause my sensitive respiratory system being attacked. I was and still coughing non stop for the last two days; finally I sought doctor's help yesterday and got myself a day sock leave to have a rest at home.

I felt slightly better after the medication but still a long way to total recovery. Hope to get well before Chinese New year.

Tuesday 26 January 2010

Healthy drinks from Green Max

In the office, we are so use to having our breakfast, tea breaks and lunch on our office desks, we always get ready some beverage mix sachets in the office. This is the one recommended by one of colleague recently, healthy drink from Green Max, product from Taiwan. There are many varieties you can choose from the supermarkets and you could also find them in the Chinese medical hall.

I bought 2 different flavours, Purple & Yam black Soybean Powder and the Oat and Job's tear cereal, from Lintas Supermarket at RM18.90 each, there are 15 individual packets in each. I have tried both drinks, I must say health drinks are normally not as delicious. I am yet to try the savoury ones.

Monday 25 January 2010

Bigen hair colour conditioner for grey hair

Chinese New Year is fast approaching; and my hair is greying. I believe it is genetically inherited from my mum and my grandma. I still can remember the look of my grandma was like an orang putih, because her hair was all grey, never thought that I have inherited the grey hair gene from her.

To reverse the appearance of my greying hair, I try Bigen brand hair colour conditioner, instead of black, I chose the natural brown colour to have a more natural look. I can not stand the long hours in the saloon (I haven't got the time anyway) so I DIY at the comfort of my home with the help of my hubby. Thank you dear.

After 1 hour all my grey hair is gone, I mean is all covered by the hair dye. It is very easy to handle, just squeeze the gel on the brush and start brushing to cover the grey hair area, wait for 10-15 minutes and wash. No mixture kind of messy stuff to do.

Saturday 16 January 2010

Mary Kay Lipstick

The last time I bought a lipstick was more than 3 years ago. Unbelievable. But it's true.

Ever since I resigned from my previous job 3 years ago, I hardly used any lipstick, one can only find me with lipstick when I attend weddings and official functions.

After I started working 1.5 years ago, times and times again I reminded myself to get a new lipstick but there is no urgency for me to buy any mainly because at my current work place, almost all of us in the office wearing nothing on the face to work, that is no make up at all. I conveniently follow suite.

Only recently I bought myself a new lipstick from Mary Kay with a 30% discount. Knowing that the ones that I had already expired, it's high time for me to get myself a new lipstick. The 30% discount can only be obtained from online ordering for more than certain points in a single order. So few of us in the office combined our orders in order to meet the 30% discount requirement. This lipstick cost less than RM40.00 as a result.

This is my new Mary Kay's Melon Rose lipstick. I am also looking at a AnneMarie Borlind lipstick to be added to my make up essentials soon.

Thursday 14 January 2010

Live Internet Marketing Preview

I purposely took a half day leave just to attend a so called "Live Internet Marketing Preview" conducted by a local so called Internet Marketing guru from Peninsular Malaysia for Free from 2 - 5 pm this afternoon at an average hotel in the city.

I thought I could learn something out of it after the presentation but much to my dismay, I didn't. The whole 3 hours presentation was like bringing us around the bushes (that's how I felt), the Live presentation was merely showing us the use of Google Key Word Tool for less than 3 minutes. There was no other information given to us on how to go about starting an Internet Marketing Business.

After 3 hours of going round the bushes, he finally revealed what he has to offer, that is a 3 days course of RM4000.00++. He repeatedly mentioned that he doesn't give a damn whether anyone would sign up for the programme or not during the presentation. Do you believe this kind of statement??

He made a discount offer for early birds, that also amount to about RM3000.00. The tactics that he used was kind of pushy, expecting the attendees to sign up immediately by asking us to go in front to make the commitment right away, I just have to tell straight to him that I do not have that kind of money to pay for it, I can tell right away that he changed his interest on the attendees who are not ready to sign up.

Surprisingly quite a number of attendees grabbed the offer and signed up right away. It could be useful by attending the 3 days course, however, so much so that I want to earn on line but I do not think I am ready to spare that amount of money at this moment in time. Time is bad.

Here I would like to call on any kind hearted bloggers out there, if you happen to visit my blog please share some guides on Internet Marketing with me, I really appreciate it.

Monday 11 January 2010

A surprise for me

Crystal came home from school with a bunch of Taiwanese Pak Choy in a plastic bag. The Daddy was surprise and started to question her. She told her Daddy that she bought it from school to surprise me. Not that she likes to eat vegetable but she knows I always buy vegetable and must have a dish of vegetable in every meals if possible.

I heard with disbelief when Clet told me about it after fetching Crystal from school this afternoon. I was very touched with her act and the thoughtfulness that she possesses at her tender age. She spent her little pocket money to buy me vegetable from an elderly lady who is selling vegetable in her school. She said she is the only student patronising while the rests were all parents.

We cooked the vegetable that she bought for dinner but she only ate a bit. It is just meant for me, she said.

To avoid her from buying vegetable from school again which is not practical for her. I keep reminding her that mummy has got plenty of vegetable in the fridge so please do not buy for me. She just smiled.

Sunday 10 January 2010

New additon to our family

My nephew, Baby Dylan was born at 4 am-ish on 4th January 2010. A bundle of Joy to my brother Alfred and wife, Catherine. Dylan is the 3rd Grandson to my parents. Weigh : 3.62kg.

Baby Dylan and his eldest sister, Annelise

Sunday 3 January 2010

Home cooking again

Since Christmas, I hardly got the chance to cook my family a proper meal. With so much celebration going on these 2 weeks, I only managed to prepare some very simple and quick meals at home or eat out.

Today, I started preparing my cooking since 3.30pm. Aiming to have our dinner earlier so that our girls can go to bed early for the school starts tomorrow.

Our girls love soup. They can just have the soup and rice for dinner. Less fuss. I prepared a pot of chicken herbal soup in the slow cooker just enough for 4 of us. Mixing some cucumber, carrot and pumpkin into vegetable pickles using apple cider vinegar for marination. I tried the raw pumpkin for the first time in my pickles. Not bad! I learnt from my colleague that pumpkin can be eaten raw, its taste just like the not so ripe papaya.

Taking off Christmas Decorations

Christmas is over, a brand new year is ahead of us. Before we got busy with the starting of school term and work, Clet with the assistant of, taking off the Christmas decorations today. It is a major task just to take all those decorations off, they need to be carefully wrapped and place into their respective boxes before putting into the big container for proper storage, so that we could still use them in the coming Christmases. Those Christmas decorations are becoming more and more expensive each year. I leave this task for Clet.

After this he is ready to put up the Chinese New Year decorations. :D
Taking the hanging Santa down from the ceiling

A try of Cheesy fruit cake

Baking time for me during holidays!

We love cheese. Yes, we do. It's fattening but a bar of cheese can be shared with others if make into a cake. So here I am trying out to make a cheesy fruit filling cake for the first time. I did not realise that I ran out of cream, no dressing for my cake as a result.

Our girls are very unpredictable, they love cheese but making into a cake like this, they prefer to eat the sponge cake than the cheese, I am speechless... :I

I received good comment on this cake from my mum :D, she is not a cheese person but she like this one.I also helped my niece to make a dark chocolate birthday cake for her friend. My sister bought the chocolate cake premix from Consfood last minute. The texture of this premix is not up to our desire, too dry. I will choose to make it from scratch next time though a lot of work needed.

Saturday 2 January 2010

Baby Jesus in a manger

This is taken from Sacred Heath Cathedral. Crystal saw it from the back of the church and wanted to have a close up look at it. Simple and nice.

Farewell 2009, welcome 2010

2009 has passed us by very quickly, we are now in the 2nd day of 2010. Kids will be going back to school 2 days later, resuming to hectic schedules for most parents including us as Crystal will be in primary 1.

We had KFC as our last dinner for 2009 before heading to SIL's resident for the New Year's eve gathering which started late at around 10pm. It was a pot luck gathering. we brought in food respectively mainly for supper. I was working on New Year's eve that I did not have time to prepare any home cook food for the gathering instead we ordered take away, mee basah, from a shop at Beverly Hills Plaza.

New year's eve dinner at KFC

Christmas fruit cake brought by BIL, Nicky, the liquor taste is pretty strong
according to SIL, Juliana, this is an organic papaya from a friend's farm
Chicken curry by SIL, Juliana, the host

Fried chicken brought by Peter & Sylvia
This photo is upside down (I do not know how to fix it). Pasta salad by Joyce.
We tapau this Mee Basah

Very delicious beef rendang prepared by SIL, Monica. Can't help but tapau some home for my mum. She loves beef rendang.
Sweet corns pudding by Monica as well. I was fast enough to take a photo before it's gone in minutes.
Having supper before the clock strike 12.00
Welcoming 2010. Joining hands for a better 2010. Better Health, Better Wealth, Safe & Peace on Earth.