Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Gong Xi Fa Cai 2011

It's really been a while since I last posted on my blog. I have been and still pretty busy on my daily chaos that I have to set aside my beloved blog. It's going to be days long Chinese New Year holiday, I have got to make a point to update this special occasion and to wish all a very happy and prosperous Chinese New Year 2011, let's all of us enjoy a healthy and fruitful Rabbit Year ahead.

After having a half day work in the office on the eve of Chinese New Year, I came back home to find a registered post waiting for me on the table, it's a little Angpow that I claimed from taking surveys from one of the survey companies. I received 2 KFC redemption vouchers worth RM10.00 each. Taking surveys are fun and rewarding.
We had our Family gathering dinner at brother, Alfred's house, where my mum and SIL, Catherine cooked a table full of dishes. I did not help cos I am not a good cook, scare to spoil the soup :D, my usual task is to help clean up after the dinner, so I took a nap at home to refresh myself before the dinner.
Mum busy arranging the dishes even after long hours of cooking

We had a good dinner and looking forward to more food and gathering with family members and friends in this Chinese New Year!! Gong Xi Fa Cai everyone!!