Friday, 31 January 2014

Gong Xi Gong Xi 迎接马年

Gong Xi Fa Cai everyone!!

I have set my mind to relax on the 1st day of Chinese New Year.  There are every reasons to do so because traditionally we are not advised to work on this very day. Thus I woke up at 9.30am, no cleaning (in particularly no sweeping), I also give my staff 2 days off on the 1st and 2nd day so my kids fashion shop is closed for Chinese New Year, I guess most of the shopping complexes remain open for business though it is Chinese New Year.  We also have no invitations or visiting to relative and friend's home during the day, pretty relax that we went shopping after breakfast.   
I gave my girls Angpows before going out for breakfast

Our Chinese New Year decorations

Cookies on the dining table which Pearl is in charge to keep them tidy
We shopped at the nearby hypermarket.  Pearl has been asking for her new set of comforter, she got to choose the one she likes (purple princess print).  She is happy with it, entertaining herself with the Tab while waiting for the rest of us finish our shopping.

Not intend to cook at home, we are thinking of having nice dinner at night.  

Thursday, 30 January 2014

Getting ready to give Angpows

It is the time of the year to give angpows to our loved ones, relatives and children of our colleagues and friends, and also the lion and unicorn troops that come visiting our homes.  It is a blessing and joy to be able to give angpows.

I encounter one problem when I am trying to prepare the angpows....I do not know which angpow packets to use because there are just too many choices that I have collected from the banks, and other organisations.  All of them are so nice and meaningful.  I am the kind of person who is selective of  the design and meaning of the angpows to whom I am giving to..that's make it tough right??  Shall get it sorted out because angpows giving time is just a few hours away..:D 


Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Chinese Lunar Year 2014 Ang Pow packets

These are some of the Chinese Lunar Year angpow packets I have collected so far this year.  Most of them featuring the animal sign of Horse for it is the year of wooden horse in 2014.  My colleague is the one who help to go round various banks to ask for new angpow packets whenever he is out to do banking. 

Among all that I have collected, I particularly like this set of golden horses angpow packets from the local supermarket, CKS. 

I use angpow packets throughout the might want to know why..???  I intentionally keep many packets in my office drawers, I stuff the salaries or wages in there for my fellow colleagues every month.
I used new angpow packets for salaries and wages this month 

Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Brand's InnerShine Berry Essence

Have anyone tried this Brand's InnerShine Berry Essence?

At first I thought it is for beauty, later then I found out it is good for the eyes, just what I needed.  
I have very bad eye sight since I was young, probably because I read too much under poor lighting condition when I was little, not that I managed to score good marks but bad enough to spoil my eye sight.  

My eye sight from bad to worst due to ageing.  The thickness of my spectacle tells it all.

Hopefully Brand's InnerShine can help to restore my eye sight a little, I can't expect miracle, as you know, I will need to consume a considerable amount of the berry essence to see the effect.

I tasted a bottle last night.  It is indeed a bottle packed of thick berries mixture, pretty sweet with slight sour taste. I like it and gave a spoonful each to my daughters to taste as well,  they showed me sour faces probably because they dislike the sour taste..:D

Monday, 27 January 2014

Shopping online for new clothes

Being tired on my siblings (my 3 brothers) commented on the way and style I dress, I decided to revamp my wardrobe for this coming new year.  I opted to shop online for my new year's clothes.  This is the first time in my life that I bought over 15 pieces of new clothes for myself for Chinese New Year.

Since I am shopping on line I am unable to do a physical fitting for these clothes.  Some came in a bit small due to small cutting.  My eldest, Crystal, she is tall at my ear level now,  is given the choice to pick the ones can fit her. We can basically share some of the clothes.    

These are some of my new clothes.  Lack of Red selection.  Ushering into the year of Wooden Horse 2014,  I prefer the colour of yellow, green or brown.I 

Friday, 24 January 2014

Chinese New Year cards

I haven't been sending any Chinese New Year cards for many years now.  With the advance technologies, we could send wishes through the internet and hand phone devises, fast and convenient.

But this year, I am trying to send Chinese New Year cards to friends.  The occasion is near, I will have to rush to send them out.  

Thursday, 23 January 2014

Borneo Golf & Country Club

Despite my repeated refusals to get involve, I know the day will come I am asked to go for a field trip to Borneo Golf and Country Club. A golf club which my boss took over recently.
As an employee, we are not in the position to say no to the bosses for the work that are assigned to us.  My workloads will be increased this year after this "you just go look look see see" field trip.  
At the front office of Borneo Golf & Country Club, Bongawan, Sabah.
Nice collections of Golf Balls from various Golf Clubs
Passion fruit juice and Ice water at the buffet Counter
They serve Korean Food as majority of the guests and golfers are Koreans.
Kimchi is the must in Korean cuisine
the view of the golf course which much care are needed to get the green back again.  It is one of the professionally designed 18 holes golf course.
my lunch, less meat more vegetable with seaweed soup which is pretty healthy.

Monday, 20 January 2014

Afternoon tea with Julie's biscuits

I some how skipped lunch last Sunday, no plan for doing so, just happened that I was a bit busy and lunch hours just slipped by.  Feeling a bit hungry in the afternoon, I searched around the house for snacks.  I found a tin full of Julie's assorted biscuits which Crystal won from the games she played during our family Christmas gathering.    

I enjoyed these Julie's Fruit More biscuits with a cup of Edmark's Red Yeast Coffee which I bought a box of this coffee from my friend recently.  Red Yeast Rice is said to help lowering bad Cholesterol, and other health benefits. For that I gave it a try. 

Friday, 17 January 2014

Gardenia Delicia Buns

My colleague who just came back from KL bought for us some Gardenia Delicia buns.  Though having the same brand name  Gardenia, the Gardenia Bakery here does not produce these buns.

Thursday, 16 January 2014

Pizza Hut Golden Fortune pair deal

We were all full after dinner but still able to fill our stomach with one or 2 slices of Pizzas.  Mum was in the mood to treat us Pizza last night.  It was my first time ordering home delivery.  We normally dine in.

We ordered the Golden Fortune pair deal promotion. Buy 1 regular Golden Fortune pizza and get 1 regular traditional pizza for only RM1.00.  We ordered 2 pairs for RM63.40, check out the promotions here,  

Friday, 10 January 2014

Anniversary dinner 2014

This month marked the 13th year of our wedding anniversary.  A lot of ups and downs needless to say much.  We have grown from 2 of us into a family of 4.  We ask God for His blessings and continue to guide us and keeping us safe and healthy everyday.

For this occasion, I chose to have a simple dinner at a Chinese Restaurant just next to my office.  It was raining heavily and traffic jam every way that evening.  It is the best place to be to avoid all the hassles.  

Shark's fin soup with only a little trace of shark's fin 
minced pork with salted fish
half portion of steamed chicken

Stress in the office

Stress...when I have to handle my own jobs and other's job tasks at the same time.
My colleague has gone on leave for a week..asking me for a favour to help in her job tasks during her absence.  For the last time I agreed to help her as I will be transferred to the other company effective this month, by right I do not have to handle her job task..but I agreed so to allow her to have a good holiday.

The stress set in when I have to contact one of the government bodies which the answering machine will do the talking, asking me to press buttons, telling me again and again that their operators are busy and still busy, please hold and finally the machine operator informs that the holding period has ended, please call back again.   I have redialed many times trying to contact the officer until I gave up.  Waste of my time and increase my stress level tremendously...I guess this is one of the Malaysia Boleh situations..

 Enough..I don't want to think's lunch time.  Simple snacks in the office to cool my stress down a little and TGIF.

Saturday, 4 January 2014

The price of a Darab fruit

It is hard to find a good and cheap darab around the city nowadays.  We used to buy a darab for only RM2 to RM3 many years ago.  The price now shot up to RM20 for just a small one. 

I met a dishonest trader at Gaya Street Fair on one of the Sunday, after much bargains he sold to me a small darab for RM5, we waited for a few days for it to ripe, much to our disappointment that it is simply not edible, the fruit were still hard and tiny.  I wouldn't have bought it if not for my girl who kept asking for it.

Clet bought this darab from Kinarut tamu early this morning for RM10. It is the type of quality we are looking for.  

Naturoyale Biolifting Peeling Powder

I have been keeping this gift I received in October last year from my company's annual dinner.  It says the enzymes in its content dissolve rough skin cells, activate cell renewal and leave skin feeling silky-soft. 
I have yet to see the result as I have only used it once this morning.   Hope it will help to clear off a bit of the pigmentation on my face.

Friday, 3 January 2014

Poached Salmon


My first post of year 2014 is about food..because I enjoy having nice food..*.*
Poached Salmon is one of the main course in the Christmas menu at one of the resort here.  I took the opportunity to order from the resort chef after our year end stock counting activities yesterday.