Sunday, 28 June 2009

Birthday dinner at Korean restaurant

We had a wonderful dinner for SIL's birthday at a Korean Restaurant, Hi Seoul, at Likas Square. All the dishes that we ordered were so delicious and the prices are reasonable too.

We preferred Japanese cuisine over Korean food all this while mainly because we thought the Korean cuisine is about chillie, everything is hot that our girls would not be able to eat anything, it has since changed my perception after this meal. I will be a return customer for sure as I would suggest to have Clet's birthday dinner there as well next month. Hop over here to see what we had for the night, making me hungry again just by looking a the pictures.

Enjoying the dinner

Wednesday, 24 June 2009

Making Money on line with Adsense

Is it possible to make extra money through Adsense? I was very skeptical about the stories of people claiming that they are making monies through Adsense all this while not until recently one of my facebook friend, Alan Tan, showing his income that he received from Adsense for two consecutively months. It has indeed opened my eyes right away and convinced that it is true that there are monies to be made there if you put efforts into developing your blogs or websites by placing Adsense.

The fastest way in realising the income generated from Adsense is to withdraw from Western Union counter where you can withdraw cash instantly. There are Western Union counters in many local banks and private operated outlets can also be found in major cities and towns throughout the country.

Payment from Adsense in a form of cheque will take up to 3 months to clear in our local banks simply because it was issued from a US bank in US currency.

Tuesday, 23 June 2009

Father's Day celebration

This year's Father's Day was celebrated at the pool side club house.  SIL organised a pot luck get together from noon time.  We went there earlier than many of them.  Our girls kept nagging to go for a swim in the pool, so off they went for a dip without realising it was around 1.00pm, the sun was at its hottest.  It was a very bad idea to be in the pool at this hour, so I quickly get them out of the pool before they got sunburn (which they did).

Helping out to set the table up
 checking the pool, eager to go for a swim
 after much nagging, they went for a dip in the pool even before anyone was here
I prepared some egg and cheese sandwiches for the pot luck.  Like usual, SILs and BILs brought in food excessively, however no one remembered to bring drinking water or beverages.  Luckily Clet was wise enough to bring a bottle of water to ease our thirst before BIL brought some water in.
 wholemeal egg mayo sandwiches
Egg mayo and cheese sandwiches
Food on the table
After lunch, the children just couldn't wait to go to the pool anymore even the weather was still very warm.  They started the dip in the pool from 2.30pm.  The children were in the small pool while the adults (uncles and nephews) were playing water ball games in the bigger pool.
children's pool and adults playing water game in the bigger pool
after more than 2 hours in the pool, the children were really hungry, whacked roti canai till clean.  Crystal & Pearl were so tired that they felt asleep in the car on the way home.

Sunday, 21 June 2009

Happy Father's Day to all Fathers

Crystal and Pearl brought back their own Father's Day cards for their daddy from school on Friday.  They coloured the cards by themselves.  To celebrate this Father's Day, SIL has organised a pot-luck get together at the pool side starting from 11.00am.  We will be bringing sandwiches to the party.  Our girls are very excited and can not wait to go to have a swim at the pool, they have got their swimsuits and clothings all ready for swim.

Friday, 19 June 2009

Surveyhead! Your online survey site

I received a msn from my colleague who sits just next to me with an interesting online survey site called Surveyhead! It is an international online survey site, free for all to join, they even pay USD 5.00 upon signing up. Good deal.

I signed up with Survehead and earned a total of RM21.16 in my account with them in just 20 minutes. Besides rewarding you with RM17.61 (USD5.00) upon signing up, the company also giving out RM0.71 (USD0.20) for every personal profile that you updated. The minimum cashout threshold is RM80.00.

I have came across many online survey sites but never did register with one which literally give me $ in my account with them. Most will reward with points and later convert into cash when we meet the cashout threshold.
If you are interested in taking survey online, try Surveyhead! to earn some extra money online.

Thursday, 18 June 2009

Transplanting vegetable seedlings

Finally Clet helped me to transplant the cucumber and tomatoes seedlings to the backyard last sunday. Clet prefers to plant the vegetable on the ground than in the pots to allow the plants to have more rooms to grow hopefully with better harvest.

Our backyard is in such a mess that I only go out there to pick up mangoes. With a little help from Crystal, Clet managed to clear up the place a bit and transplanted the cucumber and tomato seedlings along side the fence.
Crystal is helping out clearing the dried leaves
 tomatoes seedling
and the cucumber seedlings after transplanting.  

Sunday, 14 June 2009

Exfuze Seven +, An amazing nutritional fruit juice

The Exfuze Seven+, the highly nutritional fruit juice that consist of the extract of 7+ super fruits from the earth, namely, Mangosteen, Acai, Seabucktorn, Noni, Goji, Gac, Fucaidan, that are fuzed into a bottle densed with nutrition, it is now second to none health supplement drinks in the market.
Joyce did a research on Exfuze Seven +, and she found an ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) report which shows Exfuze Seven + is truly a class above all of the other botanical nutrition supplements.

Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) is a method of measuring antioxidant capacities of different foods. The higher the ORAC value, the higher the antioxidant capacities to help slow down the process of aging for the body and the brain, also aid in prevention of degenerative diseases, like cancer, heart diseases, diabetes, etc.
The ORAC report for Exfuze Seven + have 50,000 per litre. It is a highly nutritious health drinks that no one could afford to reject. Here is the comparison of ORAC for the other popular health drinks with Exfuze, unbelievable powerful:
  • EXFUZE Seven + = 50,000 ORAC per bottle
  • Young Berry Juice = 32,750 ORAC per bottle
  • Mona Vie Juice = 18,500 ORAC per bottle
  • Xango Juice = 13,750 ORAC per bottle
  • EB Tahitian Noni Juice = 12,500 ORAC per bottle
  • Himalayan Goji Juice = 10,000 ORAC per bottle
  • Silver Sea = 2,000 ORAC per bottle
We are glad that we have found a complete and affordable health supplement for my family. If you care for your health and your love ones, seriously consider exploring the power of Exfuze Seven+ today. Exfuze will be launched in Malaysia soon, you could contact us to get the greatness of Exfuze even before it's launched.

Wednesday, 10 June 2009

Avon - Clearance Sales Save up to 70%

AVON is having a One day Clearance sale today.  Selected items on makeup, skin care, bath & body products are on huge clearance sales of up to 70% discount with no shipping charges if purchases are made with their eRepresentatives.  Very good bargain.  But for US residents only. Too bad!

These are two of the products that I would love to have in the makeup clearance category:
High School Musical Lip Balm for USD0.69 (normal : USD0.99, save 30%)
8 in 1! Lip Palette for only USD4.99 (normal : USD12.00, save 58%)

Saturday, 6 June 2009

Tidying up...again

When we moved in to our new home 4 months ago, we basically just packed the stuff from our old home and unloaded them in our new home without proper planning, many of the stuff remained in the boxes or pushed into the store room. I realised that the room is now too packed for us to even go in to search for things we need. It's time for me to start tidying it up, hopefully I can find my blender to make some mangoes juice. I did find my blender jug but my blender motor still nowhere to be found. It took me 3 hours to tidy up this room.
Before tidying up, the door can hardly opened because there were stuff behind the door. Boxes filled with tupperware and other stuff were on the floor made it hard to search for things. Sometimes I find myself lost in there.

After re-organizing the stuff in the shelves, I was able to store more stuff in there. Less boxes are needed and the door can be wide opened now. All my tupperware containers, baking and cooking utensils are organised in the middle shelves (eye level position) so that I can find them easily. Not that I do baking or cooking all the time but it would be convenient for me to get them when I am in a baking mood. No excuses.
I found 6 lovely gala lilies glasses which we have been keeping for many years, it's time for us to use them now, rather than keeping them in the box for more forgotten years.

Friday, 5 June 2009

Flower - Blooming Orange Lilies

After 2 days of rain in the early morning, I was excited to find the once unknown plants in front of our house has enlightened us with beautiful orange lilies. I quickly asked for the camera from Clet to snap this lily yesterday morning eventhough we were in such a rush; With another heavy rain this early morning, we found many more blooming lilies. It is such a nice feeling to wake up with beautiful newly bloomed flowers in the front yard and not forgetting ripen mangoes at the back yard.

Wednesday, 3 June 2009

9 O'clock Flowers or Moss Rose

I have never noticed such a beautiful little flowers planted by my mum in the front yard. She called these flowers are "9 o'clock flowers" as they are normally bloom from 9.00 in the morning until 3.00 in the afternoon. She got them from her one of her mahjong friends. Usually the Moss Roses are very small , it's the first time I saw the widely bloomed ones. I will definitely going to take some seedlings to plant at my house once I have got my pots and black soil ready.
widely bloomed pink Moss Rose
Another pink & white Moss Rose.

Tuesday, 2 June 2009

Mangoes from our backyard

We had a sudden heavy down pour just after we settled down at the Indian shop for roti canai at around 9.30 last night.  SIL said more mangoes will be falling down from her mango tree due to this heavy rain and strong wind, and her dogs will be right down there waiting for the mangoes.  Her dog loves mangoes.  
It was true that more mangoes are on the ground this morning after the rain.  I picked up 10 good mangoes in and outside our fencing.  The highest number of mangoes we picked up so far, very excited.  There were more acutally, unfortunately, some of them got spoilt due to the impact when they hit the ground, they have become the delicious meal for the ants.
  10 mangoes on the ground this morning