Monday, 27 March 2023

McDonald's Rahmah Meals with upgraded drinks

After sending the eldest to Uni, we were deciding where to have breakfast, I have had a mantou at home but my better half hasn't eaten anything yet. He prefers to have his economy mee with stuffed taufu but he followed my choice to McD for Rahmah breakfast. We both opted out from the Ice Lemon Tea that come with the meals because I definitely prefer something hot in the morning, we upgraded the drinks to mocha and Teh Tarik <pulled tea> respectively with additional charges.
If you want to control your food intake, go for Rahmah meals.  They are just in the right portions and economical, healthy for your pocket and stomach (will not overeating).

We only spent RM16.30 for our breakfast with upgraded drinks.  RM1.00 (inc. SST) for a hot Teh Tarik is hard to find nowadays.

We also tapau (take away) a set of Rahmah porridge meal for our youngest who's still having her beauty sleep at home, a well deserving waking up late after a year long preparation for her SPM exams. 


  1. Always interesting seeing what the different McDonald's around the world offer. I prefer warm drinks in the morning as well.

  2. I like having mcd breakfast too. Going to try out the rahmah meals at mcd hopefully soon.

  3. Apparently, McDonalds adapts well to different cultures. We usually meet friends there for coffee once a week and often have a muffin too.


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