Thursday, 30 March 2023

Finally Rain Shower

Finally rain came pouring after many days of hot sunny days. We like the sun shiny days but we need some rain to cool the temperature down too.
After few hours of rain this afternoon, water started to accumulate on the part of the road where drainage is poor.  We were on the way to fetch our eldest from Uni slightly after 4pm.  Many are off from work earlier than usual working hours during the month of Ramadan.  Classes at Uni also dismiss slightly earlier.
Rain drops on my newly bloomed desert roses

on these ones too..Desert roses are the only flowering plants that I have.


  1. Such a different environment. We had a bit more snow yesterday, but it is mostly gone already this morning.

  2. Beautiful flowers you have there.

  3. Your fu gui flowers are so lovely! A little bit of rain is good because heavy rain may cause flood.


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