Friday, 27 May 2011

Pearl's achievement in singing contest

I still remember clearly that Pearl was screaming and crying fiercely when her teacher and me trying to bring her on stage to sing along with her fellow school mates during Chinese New Year's performance one and a half years ago. We ended bringing her away from the stage, the group singing without her.

It was a jaw dropping situation when we saw her singing solo in her school's singing competition yesterday, everyone of us, including her teacher still in disbelieve that she could have such a breakthrough, she got 7th placing (coincidentally she was the 7th contestant as well) among the 20 contestants , bringing a big trophy home with her for the 1st time. Pearl is very happy, and we can feel the sense of achievement in her though she didn't manage to get into the top 4 placing.

We would like to thank her teacher for giving Pearl the opportunity, for her encouragement, her time in training and guiding Pearl from the audition stage through the final stage of the competition, she even gone through the trouble of looking for a suitable outfit and accessories for Pearl from the school's collections which otherwise the parents have to provide. Pearl brought home 2 outfits to choose. As a busy mum, I only realised in that very morning that the only accessory lacking is a suitable necklace to match the outfit, from the rushing hours in the morning, I found my own handmade designed beads necklace and let her used it, it is one of the pieces of necklace that I put together some 3 years ago when I was very much into beading works. It is not a matching piece of necklace but it is better than none.
Pearl and her fellow contestants
Singing on stage.

I was very nervous while waiting for Pearl's turn to perform as if I was the one who was going to sing on stage *faint*.

photo with her school teachers
The finalists with their trophies

Pearl performed very well. Crystal has gone to school and was unable to attend. The daddy did not let her miss out this special event, he recorded it down and let Crystal watched it at home right after school.

with proud mummy
and daddy

having light lunch after the function

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

It's Finally on

Clet called to inform me that our streamyx line is finally up and running..but...have to hook direct..what does it mean?? Whatever it is, I am sure Clet will get it fix.

I have been following up with the Telekom's customer service for 3 days in a row to make sure they get their contractor to transfer the internet service for us. We are unable to use our internet even after our phone line has been transferred to our new home last week. The Telekom's customer service officer has told me that it will only take a week to get everything up and running and we can just hook on internet as soon as our phone line is on, in actual fact this is not the case. They have different contractors for the phone line and another contractor to connect the streamyx line. After waited for more than a week for the phone line to get transferred, we have to wait again for the internet. All of us in the house are getting very impatient already. I have to keep showing my face at the Telekom office to report that they have not finished their job yet. Luckily the Telekom branch is just one block away from my office.

After they had connected the internet line for us this afternoon, I received a phone call from Telekom KL to check with me whether the line is OK. It is a good customer service on their part to check with the customer, but to take more than a week just to transfer the services is a bit too long, hope this will not happen to business corporations who rely heavily on internet nowadays.

Friday, 20 May 2011

Little gifts from a thoughtful colleague

It would be nice to be able to go for overseas travelling once in a year just like my colleague does. As far as I can remember, for three consecutive years I have been working with her, she has been to China, Singapore and recently to Hong Kong.

While she is on her sweet holidays, I am the one who is relieving her with her work in the office, basically to check on her emails everyday and help to follow up with the overseas suppliers. It is still consider an additional responsibilities on top my existing workloads. Luckily she always on holiday for only a week or so, and not more than that.

I must say she is a very thoughtful lady because she remembers me (or rather her work) even on holidays…:D, she always brought back some gifts for me as appreciation for helping her. She gave me a necklace and 2 little cute dolls for my daughters from her recent trip to Hong Kong. It’s nice to receive some tokens every now to brighten up my days. I am still looking forward to having our own overseas holidays, hopefully soon. *.*

Cute little dolls for my daughters, the pink one can sit down, but for the red doll, it is difficult to put it on a sitting position because its skirt is too tight :DD

lovely necklace for me

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Matryoshka Nesting Dolls

My girls just love to watch all the series in the Disney Channel, they can just glue to the television for as long as the Disney channel is on. One of their favourite series is the Higglytown Heros. Talking about Higglytown Heros, the characters are the Russian Matryoshka dolls or Nesting dolls. I always admire the Matryoshka doll, they are unique as compare to the other dolls, authentic doll is said to be made of Siberian wood, individually designed, hand-carved and hand painted by highly talented artists, the finished product is lacquered and polished to become a true master piece that last for generations.

The one uniqueness about the Matryoshka dolls is that they come in a set of a few identical dolls in different sizes, the smaller ones can be nestled into the bigger ones and become one!! Very unique!

I have not got a set of the doll yet but I am planning to get a set of these Matryoshka dolls of my choice in the near future as decorative collections for our new home. Oh wait! Since they will last for generations to come, I think I will have to get two sets of these dolls as collectors items so that my two girls will each have a set of the doll from me in the future, :D, they love dolls!!

Monday, 16 May 2011

Harvest Festival 2011/Pesta Kaamatan 2011

The Harvest Festival for the ethnic group of Kadazan Dusun in Sabah falls on 30th & 31st May each year, it's public holidays for us in Sabah. We will be having 4 off days continuously end of this month with Monday and Tuesday being the Public Holiday after the weekend.

Usually the line up of celebrations start a month earlier. We can feel the festivity atmosphere when we stepped into Centre Point shopping mall last Saturday with kadazan songs, local handicrafts booths and the exhibitions of students water colouring featuring natives Kadazan Dusun and Mt Kinabalu at the main hall.

My girls were busy roaming around the booths checking out what's for sale. I took some pictures as if I am a tourist.
the booths at the mall

Handmade necklaces caught Crystal's eyes
Pearl, one of the most sought after jewelry items for tourists who come to Sabah

Earrings, RM10.00 for 3 pairs, cheap cheap, which ebay selling more than RM10.00 per pair
T-shirts as souvenir

Orang Utan
Here are my girls visiting the booths

last but not least, our local produce organic Sabah Tea

Thursday, 12 May 2011

No Internet Connection

It takes a week for our telephone line and internet connection to be transferred from our old home to our new home. We are still waiting for the Telekom man to come transferring our telephone line. Luckily I am able to access the internet in the office. I will have to maximise the time during my lunch break checking on my mails, update my blogs other online activities as much as I can.

Nowadays, Internet connection is an integral part of our lives, a lot of business activities can not be done without it, especially those with online businesses.

Our new home is still in a big mess, with boxes and boxes of stuff every way, Clet and his worker are moving stuff from our old home at the intervals of fixing the lights, doors and fencing this week. We are lost when looking for our stuff, Crystal has been wanting to start unpacking to look for her books, she loves reading, we just have to ask her to wait till her book shelve is ready. We only have that little time at night to do our unpacking and arranging to put our new home into a presentable and comfortable state. We have too much stuff organise I must say.

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Update on our new home

We have moved. Officially we have moved on last Saturday, 07/05/2011.

Clet has put up an alter by the entrance for The Lord. In a prayer, we asked for His Blessings and presence in our new home to protect and shelter us at all times, and also thank Him for giving us a new home.

Since the workers were still around repairing the house, I prepared a light lunch for them who have been helping to repair the house for the past 1 month. They continued their tasks right away after their lunch. There are still lots of bits and pieces of everything needed to be touched up and fixed but we moved in anyway. Will have to get them fix up day by day.

Our girls are happy sharing a room, I heard them discussing who takes the big bed and who take the smaller bed and who sleeps near the window and so on, there were some disagreement at first but they sorted it out among themselves remarkably. I have noticed that their beds are nice and tidy in the morning before they go to school these 2 days...unlike last time, the bedroom was like a war zone. :D Girls, keep up the good work!!

more space for them to play

Monday, 2 May 2011

Nasi Lemak Make you Fat?

A packet of my breakfast last week

Do you really think eating Nasi Lemak will make you fat?  Is it because of its high coconut oil/ santan content?  I once read some articles of coconut oil, I came to know that it has many health benefits than other oil.  Here is one of the Health Benefit of Coconut Oil you can read on.  

I really want to know if there are some other reasons why Nasi Lemak is said to make us Malaysian fat or obese.  I would support the idea of controlling the sales of those processed food, like nuggets, fried fries, fried mashed potatoes cakes, oily noodles, and sausages in the school canteen.  

Whenever my girls ask for sausages in their meals, I would stare at them with my sharpest eyes, always remind them that this is "lousy food", can only be eaten occasionally. 

I am not a big fan of Nasi Lemak, but reckon that the sale of this famous, delicious and affordable Malaysian delicatessen should not be controlled until a true nutritional facts of it has been thoroughly studied.

Sunday, 1 May 2011

Princesses Room deco

We walked around Complex Karamunsing furniture section last night, we saw this princesses room setting, girls would love to have these furniture in their room. All pink in colour. with princesses images every where. Just by walking pass this shop, we noticed that there are many decorative collections and furniture for the house. We did not step inside the shop, we were actually looking for a light shop and it was closed for night.
