I still remember clearly that Pearl was screaming and crying fiercely when her teacher and me trying to bring her on stage to sing along with her fellow school mates during Chinese New Year's performance one and a half years ago. We ended bringing her away from the stage, the group singing without her.
It was a jaw dropping situation when we saw her singing solo in her school's singing competition yesterday, everyone of us, including her teacher still in disbelieve that she could have such a breakthrough, she got 7th placing (coincidentally she was the 7th contestant as well) among the 20 contestants , bringing a big trophy home with her for the 1st time. Pearl is very happy, and we can feel the sense of achievement in her though she didn't manage to get into the top 4 placing.
We would like to thank her teacher for giving Pearl the opportunity, for her encouragement, her time in training and guiding Pearl from the audition stage through the final stage of the competition, she even gone through the trouble of looking for a suitable outfit and accessories for Pearl from the school's collections which otherwise the parents have to provide. Pearl brought home 2 outfits to choose. As a busy mum, I only realised in that very morning that the only accessory lacking is a suitable necklace to match the outfit, from the rushing hours in the morning, I found my own handmade designed beads necklace and let her used it, it is one of the pieces of necklace that I put together some 3 years ago when I was very much into beading works. It is not a matching piece of necklace but it is better than none.

I was very nervous while waiting for Pearl's turn to perform as if I was the one who was going to sing on stage *faint*.
Pearl performed very well. Crystal has gone to school and was unable to attend. The daddy did not let her miss out this special event, he recorded it down and let Crystal watched it at home right after school.
Congrats, Pearl! It's not about winning a prize home, but also about conquering her fear to sing publicly. Bravo!! She looks lovely in the pink dress :)