Wednesday 20 July 2016

Avocado seedlings

Have been busy with many little stuff lately and now have to spare sometimes caring checking on my plants and fruits seedlings, among them are the tomatoes, avocado and fig cuttings.  Here is the following up post on my avocado seedlings which were germinated from seeds.  2 out of four rooted.  

 tiny root showing up
 more roots
 Less than 2 months old avocado stalk with young leaves


  1. Glad the seeding is germinated. Soon can plant into soil.

  2. Wow! Congrats! Hope they grow up big and strong and bear lots of avocados for you and your family.

  3. Wow, it's so cool to see you trying to grow avocado! Hope it turns out well :D

  4. Exciting stuff! Can't wait to see more updates. ^.^

  5. Wah wah wah! Good luck to you. I hope it grows well and healthy. This is something I wont be growing yet as none in my family likes avocado. Unless we learn to like it next time then maybe :D

  6. I heard it's very hard to germinate. Congratulation !

  7. How's the avo plant now? Hope it grows and bears fruits :)


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