Saturday, 11 June 2016

Flowers, plants and vegetable at home

Awaken by a phone call from my brother.'s already worries, it's a Saturday & still school holiday.

Had our relaxing breakfast at home, kids will be back to school next week.  My girl helped to spread avocado with milk on a slice of bread for me with her leftover avocado (her breakfast for today, obviously not used to taking fruits as breakfast :D).  It's just feel so nice to have my little girl preparing something for me.  She prepared sandwich lunch for me too on my request because I am down to cough & flu.

After breakfast, I went checking on my flowers, the progress of my tomatoes seedlings, french beans seedling, if any (still no way to be found) and my kale plant.
Finally, this single petals desert rose is blooming.

I took a picture of the three types of blooming desert roses at the front porch..I bought 3 more varieties of desert roses from the tamu last week, as you can see one of them is at the right side. 

Here is the tomatoes seedlings, growing very slowly but at least germinated about a week after planting the seeds.
one more, looking weak hopefully it will become stronger in the coming days.
my kale plant that I bought from the tamu for RM8.00.  It was in a poly bag, we re-potted it here.  I just learnt that Kale is very good for health.  I intend to add more herbs plants into my collections and start to learn how to "eat" them since they posses great nutritional values.

We are working on a planting project at our home, will update it here soon.


  1. The seedings are growing well. Hope you are well by now. School is starting soon.

    That was a very delicious and healthy sandwich.

  2. Good to see that your plants are growing well.

  3. Aww so sweet of her to make you breakfast.

    Oh-oh getting into the adenium collecting bug are you... hehe

  4. New recipe? I never thought of having it with bread.


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