Thursday, 20 December 2007


Without realising Christmas is only few days away. Among all seasons, I love Christmas the most with many reasons.... Like previous years, we got to wrap up Christmas presents for those dear to us and place them under the Christmas tree. There would normally be about 30 presents to be given away and the numbers are increasing each year because of additions to the family. It's a joy to be able to give & share on this special season.
Can you see our tiny Christmas tree?? It was decorated by Crystal, Pearl and daddy. It's a so small that we have to put it on a coffee table. Crystal and Pearl love it very much and they would make sure the tree is always lighted up and turning (though it's small it has turning ability..heee..). Cyrstal is so excited that she wrapped up empty boxes with plain A4 paper and drew pictures on them as X'mas presents. I can imagine the joy of the girls receiving their presents on X'mas day. Crystal even requested her daddy to make a "house" for baby JESUS. It took a week for Cletus to finish making it with the "help" of Crystal (half playing) while Pearl was asleep (most of the time).

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