Friday, 20 February 2015

Angpows for Chinese New Year

Red is an auspicious colour in Chinese festivities.  Chinese New Year is the time to give and receive Angpows 红包。
It is fascinating to see the various designs of Angpow packets from the banks, companies, hypermarkets and other organisations who give out Angpow packets (empty ones of course) to their customers.  They have different  designs each year. My collection of angpow packets has becoming more and more each year too.
I have collected so many that I have difficulty in deciding  which design to use to stuff the Angpows money.  


  1. Wah, nice ang pows! Just popping by to wish you & family a Happy CNY! xoxo

  2. I do not collect ang pows but I do keep few interesting one in my drawer. So reluctant to throw them away.


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