Thursday, 26 January 2017

Our Chef Wedding Reception

The wedding reception was at 6.30pm last Saturday. While waiting for the rest of my colleagues to arrive, I seated at the lobby area just in front of the big Chinese New Year flowers arrangement. I like it very much. I also noticed that there are a lot of Chinese tourists in this hotel, hope they enjoy their stay in Sabah.

This the flower display taken from where I was sitting.

This time I did not take the photos of the food served, only photos with my colleagues.  The groom is a head chef in one of our Company's resorts.  It is his turn to be served for his wedding reception in down town hotel, usually he is the one who head the resort's kitchen for the guests' wedding receptions.
Lovely newly wed couple, wishing them a happy and long lasting marriage.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I would love to be married to a Chef! Hahaha! Happy CNY, Agnes! xoxo


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