Thursday, 8 March 2018

Pomegranate Juice and Coffee

I have not heard of Pomegranate (buah Delima) when I was young.  Only in the recent years that people started to promote the health benefits of many super fruits/food, one of them is Pomegranate, mostly sold through direct selling /Multi Level Marketing.  The prices are relatively higher.

I happened to see this product displayed at the counter where I have my roti jala.  Upon asking, the price is reasonable and affordable to me, I bought a bottle to try.  If I am not mistaken, it was only around RM20.00 (USD5.00).  As I did not take it consistently everyday, this small bottle lasted for a few months in my refrigerator.  I can not comment of the effectiveness of this product because I hadn't consumed it as prescribed to see the result.  The taste is on the sourly sweet side.  

Another Pomegranate product that I have tried was this coffee mix from a small retail shop selling all kinds of health products, skin care and cosmetics in Complex Karamunsing.  It says to have Pomegranate extract, I only bought 1 packet to try because I was not sure whether the mix of coffee and Pomegranate will blend well or not for my liking. 

After drinking it, I find the taste is alright for me but I have not gone back to that shop lately.  We bought some tea bags for diabetes from the same shop too.  Will share in another post to come. 


  1. First time visiting your blog. Cool content! I have not tried this product before. Am curious how pomegranate and coffee will taste like! :D

    1. Thank for visiting...hope to see you more often here. Surprisingly the taste is alright.

  2. I don't take pomegranate but I don't mind in my salad. Maybe I should try pomegranate drink.

    1. I have never tried the whole fruit too, full of seeds and I do not know who to handle it, so the best is to try its ready bottled juice.

  3. Would have thought the coffee would overpower the fruit.

    I don't find pomegranate too attractive... difficult to eat, the seeds are hard, the price is not good.


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