Monday, 12 November 2018

Mexican Creeper, Coral Vine or Air Mata Pengantin

We planted the Air Mata Pengantin (translation :  The tears of the bride) for our stingless bees because they love this flowers.  This plant is famously known as Mexican Creeper or Coral Vine.  

The seedling of this Coral Vine is not cheap.  It is being sold up to RM30.00 (Approx. USD7.00) per plant in polibeg or small pot.  Though the flowers are small, they are very beautiful, no wonder the stingless bees love them.

It is easier to plant them by cuttings then using seeds.  Once they start growing, they will start to creep and grow wild.  We have got both the white and pink flowers Carol Vine or Mexican Creeper planted in the pots.  Let's have a more close-up look at these flowers.     


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