Sunday, 24 August 2008

Cat Show

Have you been to the Cat Show at the Sabah Trade Centre over the weekend? I am not a cat lover but just like to see lovely cats, I am sure most of the children too...
We followed BIL Edward to the trade centre on Saturday afternoon particularly to see the cats show. We met up with Clet at the trade centre where he was also at the properties fair there since morning. The entrance fees to the show was RM5.00 for adult and RM2.00 for children.
Which cat do you like?
Tickets to the show by way of stamping on the hand. Crystal refused to be stamped, we cannot let her be alone outside so I got her hand stamped as well and that made her in tears, really funny little girl. I have to expained to her why a stamp is needed on her hand. When she saw the cats she forgot about the stamping altogether.
Some of the visitors at the show
Evaluation in progress by one of the judges
Another evaluation being done (honestly I do not know what are the criterias they are looking for from a cat to be the champion)
Crystal, Kathleen and Pearl seated at the front witnessing the evaluations on the cats
Look at Pearl, it showed on her face that she was moody probably because she was hungry as she refused to eat her mee soup in the morning
BIL Edward and the kids, Kathleen and Edson
Crystal and Daddy at the foyer before leaving the trade centre for lunch.
I managed to take some photos of the cats with one hand and holding Pearl with the other hand since she insisted to be hold throughout our visit to the cat show.

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