Friday, 8 August 2008

Bought from Cebu, Philippines

We have had some girls stuff bought from Cebu lately with the help of the Wong family when they were holidaying there in the early of last month. I had a new bag, the size and design is just nice for casual and working purposes. They also helped to buy some new dresses for Crystal and Pearl, the designs and materials are far better than those made from China as compare to those of the similar price range that we could get locally, i.e. price ranging from RM15.00 to RM40.00. They are altogether 10 pieces of clothing for Crystal as she is growing up fast it would be wise to get more for Crystal so that she can pass it down to Pearl. We had to keep these dresses out of Crystal's sight at the moment we got it as we wouldn't want to overwhelm her by giving her too many new dresses at one time. We thought the dresses are still big for Crystal but after trying one or two on her, we realised that they are just the right size for her to wear right now so I have got to wash them all up ready for her to use amytime. Here are some of them.

hanging up for drying after washing

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