Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Birthdays and cakes

This post meant to record down the birthdays of our family members so far.

SIL's birthday and her home made chocolate cake made by herself. 

Niece, Kathleen's birthday and super delicious durian cheese cake

My better half, Clet's birthday 

Niece, Anneliese's Birthday 

BIL, Nick's Birthday 

My precious little girl, Pearl's birthday

and the youngest in the family, Reese celebrated her 1st birthday yesterday.

she have had a very beautifully decorated pink Hello Kitty fondant cake.  Her mum is a fan of Hello Kitty. 


  1. Replies
    1. I like it too..Sayang my niece is too young to appreciate it.

  2. This is such a nice post. To put all the birthday photos here for remembrance.

  3. This is such a nice post, with everyone's birthday photos here for remembrance.


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