Monday, 25 April 2016

Mobile coffee kiosk

We saw this little cute mobile coffee kiosk in front of KFC in Plaza Millennium.  Out of curiosity and fun of trying out their coffee, we ordered a cup of its Tiramisu (RM5).  
This mobile kiosk is equipped with seats at the side and at the back..there are spaces for them to display their products merchandises.  
The "kitchen" is at the other side of the mobile van, men with 2 staff, they were previously in Subang Jaya, trying out the business here.
the front of the mobile van

other than coffee, they add in other products like nasi lemak, sandwiches, peanuts and potato chips.
the seats at the back of the van
and seats at the side
First time trying out the tiramisu drink, the taste is fine, but it is not hot enough.  Me and my better  half shared one cup, almost finished by the time we got home.


  1. I have seen a similar van at ss2 pj but didn't buy any coffee from them. So will you buy from them again?

    1. yes, will try other drinks, I will ask them to make it hotter.

  2. This mobile concept is getting popular and hot in my neighbourhood now as the rentals are too high. In Japan, it is even more popular and probably started from there!

    Usually they are not very cheap here in KL but just as good as shops.

    1. now the younger generations are more creative, they adopt what they saw overseas. my only worry is cleanliness.

  3. Always thought 'tiramisu' was food and not drink!

    1. mee too..that's why curiously I chose to try tiramisu.

  4. Haven't tried it, how it taste? One of my favorite drink.

  5. Quite cute eh. Macam mat salleh style. Hehe. I would love to try too if I ever come across one.

    1. yes it's cute, I check on what they display for sale in their little van too..

  6. I saw similar mobile kiosk but never cross my mind to try partly because I am always in a rush when I go out. Next time, I may slow down and try.

  7. Last time near my office also got mobile van selling food and drinks and it is always packed with office workers during lunch time, I like the idea


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