Monday 10 August 2009

Read Music

I enrolled my daughter to a piano school when she was 4 years old thinking that she would be able to master the piano skills from very young age. I have heard so much of young children started off with their piano lessons and become great pianist when they grew up. I like my daughter to have this musical skill too..

With great enthusiasm, I accompanied her to all her piano lessons, she enjoyed the lessons at the beginning and her interest faded away after 3 months. We noticed that she started having difficulties in recognizing and memorising the more complicated musical notes many weeks into the lessons. She lost the coordination in hitting the right notes again and again. That's frustrated her and myself too...It is so discouraging that she refused to attend the classes after that.

Only recently I got to know about a course call Piano Sight Reading which helps young children and adults alike in overcoming the common hindrances in playing piano which was never being taught in the musical school which my daughter attended previously.

The Piano Sight Reading course has its proven and effective step by step piano playing secret techniques thereby has helped many students in improving and mastering their piano playing and read music skills.

A friend of mine described to me how grateful she and her son have benefited from this course. It has helped her son in becoming a professional pianist to a popular group in London now and it is also a dream come true that she is now a piano teacher applying the same techniques, seeing her students excel meant a lot to her.

I will definitely enroll my daughters to this course if they are ready to learn piano again.

1 comment:

  1. I've read about the Piano Sight classes too. I want to send my gals for piano lessons but am worried that they will lose interest again, just like Aly and her ballet. Perhaps I shd try them out in Piano Sight classes. My mum sent me for piano lessons when I was young but I hated them, yet went on to Grade 7.


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