Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Heat Resistant Pot

During the extended holiday weekend, I managed to do some minor rearrangements and did some cleaning and tidying up my humble kitchen.   The heat resistant pot has been sitting on the very top shelve for a long while which I have no time to check on it.  It was given by a friend of ours many months ago.  

Still new in the box.

It is a very small and cute pot that I do not know what to do with it.  Too small to boil soup for the 4 of us. At the very moment, I can only think of cooking 2 packets of Maggi mee just enough for myself as breakfast.

Since it is a heat resistant pot, it can be transferred straight from stove to table.  However, because of the heat retention, my mee became soaking very fast.   

Nevertheless, it is a nice piece of cookware, the colour of orange itself adds colour to my dull kitchen.

1 comment:

  1. That is a lovely piece of cooking equipment especially when cooking for 1-2 person.


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