Wednesday, 6 April 2011

House repair

The tenant of our house that we bought last October has surrendered the keys back to us on the last day of March 2011. When we bought the house, there was a ready tenant, we let them continue to stay there until a couple of months back he was unable to pay for his rental on time so he decided to move out for good.

Last Saturday, I brought my girls to view the inside of the house for the first time (I have never been inside the house when we bought it) when Clet was clearing and cleaning up the mess there. A lot of cleaning up and touching up for this 20 over years old house. We decided to touch it up a little in an inexpensive way just to allow us to move in as soon as possible before another month is up to pay for our rented house.

We do not intend to do any renovation work at the moment, there is no budget for it. Clet will do the touching up of the house with the help of one or two workers . the work started yesterday. According to him, a lot has been done to remove the broken cement ceilings yesterday and today another worker came in to cut the long wild grass at both the front and back yards.

Clet is working his mind out to get the house in shape for us to move in. Will update on the progress again in my coming posts and I have a lot of catching up to do with my blogger friends as I have not been blogging and visiting their blogs for a while now.


  1. Hey Agnes, i am back again to check out your blog, and i am sure everything will go on fine with the house that you soon to move into,, all the best ya

  2. House moving could be very tiring....
    Take care and do show us your house photos if you dont mind *wink*

  3. Hi Eugene,
    Hi Hayley,

    Thanks for dropping by, Will post some photos on the progress on the repairing work done on the house in my next post(s)!

  4. Congrats on you house purchase, finally! Houses are so expensive in KK now. Visited your brother-in-law's blog just now - "Kinabalu", saw you with the girls in the wedding. Miss you a great deal.


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