Wednesday, 26 March 2008


Our dear niece and nephew, Kathleen and Edson, were baptised on Saturday, the eve of Easter at the Sacred Heart Cathedral recently. Both of them had gone through a 1-year bible study class at the church, they are very dedicated and very eagerly looking forward to this special episode of their new life with the Lord, Jesus Christ. I am pleased to be the God Mother for Kathleen (my first God Child) for that I specially hand made a Rosary for her with a message : "Dear Kathleen, May the Lord God, Jesus Christ be your guide and light all through your life, from God Mother, Aunty Agnes."

Me and my God Child, Kathleen

Group photo with Bishop after the mass

A Swarovski Crystal Rosary specially hand made for Kathleen (it took me 2 nights to finish it) :>

1 comment:

  1. Is it a necklace?? Very nice, wondering when can i have one from u??? hehehe...


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