Monday, 22 February 2010

Crystal's & Zachary's Birthday

Crystal and Zachary celebrate their birthday together on the 15th of February every year. We have been celebrating their birthdays at the pool side of Zach's condo for the past 2 years. This year, we changed the venue to our home to celebrate Chinese New Year and birthdays together, double merrier. It was a delightful occasion with home cooked food, my side of the families were able to join in the celebration. My mum and my sister helped us out in most of the cooking, thanks for their helps.

I baked a cake for Crystal. She loved the cake same goes to Pearl. The only request she asked for her birthday cake is it has to be pink with strawberry flavour one. Besides making the sponge cake pink, layered with strawberry jam, dressed with pink fresh cream, Clet thought would be a good idea to put some cut strawberries on top of the cake too.
a photo with their favourite uncle Sonny, or Grandpa to Zach

Friday, 19 February 2010

On the eve of Chinese New Year 2010

I woke up before 5am on the very day of the Chinese New Year's eve; went over to my brother's house to wake my mum up. She was shocked and asked me what's going on. :D I smiled and asked her whether she wants to experience early hour shopping at Lido market with me. She said yes without second thoughts. It was her first time been to Lido market early in the morning, and she was very excited to see so many people there.

We bought all the food stuff that we need for the eve's dinner. My mum did all the cooking for us. There were only my brother's family and my family joined my parents for the dinner while the rest of my siblings have gone back to their in laws.

getting ready for dinner

Mum & dad

Thursday, 18 February 2010

Water needed in 2010 tiger year

After reading some feng shui articles, Clet told me that Water is very much lacking in year 2010. To balance the lack of water, Clet took the advise from the feng shui gurus by installing an aquarium in our living room just before Chinese New Year.

Filling up the water into the aquarium

There are four fishes in there. Crystal gave name to each of them. I can only remember one of the name, i.e. Splashy, ..

Pearl is the one who always feed the fishes every day.

Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Baby Dylan's full Moon Celebration

Baby Dylan's full moon is actually on the 4th of February but Bro Alfred and family decided to celebrate the occasion earlier on 30th January, a Saturday, made easier for everyone.

Besides having food catered from outside, mum cooked her confinement specialities dishes, that is rice wine chicken and sweet & sour pork legs with Chinese vinegar and hard boiled eggs. I was too busy eating that I forgot to take the photos of them.

I was not feeling too good that day but I have promised myself to bake some cakes for the occasion which I finally did..but the result were not as good.
Baby Dylan is soundly asleep at the beginning of his celebration

Proud mummy & Baby Dylan
Jasper, our eldest nephew and the youngest Baby Dylan
Mum & Dad with my uncle (in yellow, he is as young as me, same age I mean) and friends

my sister & brother entertaining our uncle and aunties
These are the cakes I made for the night, with the help from Pearl to sprinkle the chocolate chips on the cup cakes.