Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Baby Dylan's full Moon Celebration

Baby Dylan's full moon is actually on the 4th of February but Bro Alfred and family decided to celebrate the occasion earlier on 30th January, a Saturday, made easier for everyone.

Besides having food catered from outside, mum cooked her confinement specialities dishes, that is rice wine chicken and sweet & sour pork legs with Chinese vinegar and hard boiled eggs. I was too busy eating that I forgot to take the photos of them.

I was not feeling too good that day but I have promised myself to bake some cakes for the occasion which I finally did..but the result were not as good.
Baby Dylan is soundly asleep at the beginning of his celebration

Proud mummy & Baby Dylan
Jasper, our eldest nephew and the youngest Baby Dylan
Mum & Dad with my uncle (in yellow, he is as young as me, same age I mean) and friends

my sister & brother entertaining our uncle and aunties
These are the cakes I made for the night, with the help from Pearl to sprinkle the chocolate chips on the cup cakes.


  1. Dropping by to wish you a very happy chinese new year!

  2. What a lovely celebration!! All of the treats look delicious :)


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