Friday, 29 May 2009

Happy Harvest Festival (Kotobian Tadau Ka'amatan)

Wishing all Kadazan Dusun friends a very Happy Harvest Festival, Kotobian Tadau Ka'amatan.

Harvest Festival is celebrated in the whole month of May in Sabah as thanksgiving dedicated to the rice gods and invoke good harvest the following year. The highlights of the celebration would be on the 30th and 31st of May, statewide holidays in Sabah.

Traditionally a thanksgiving ceremony, Magavau is performed by the Bobohizan or High Priestess, another highlight is the Unduk Ngadau or traditional Harvest Festival Queen contest.

Tapai or home made rice wine is served throughout the carnival with music and cultural dances from daybreak till dawn.


  1. Kopivosian Tadau Tagazo Do Kaamatan to you and family

  2. Lovely costumes for the dancers.


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