Sunday 31 May 2009

Seedlings for Cucumber and Tomatoes

I finally planted the cucumber, tomato and chrysanthemum seeds which I bought many weeks ago. The seedlings of the cucumber and tomato have started to emerge from the soil on the fourth day, all thanks to Crystal's effort to water them every morning and evening. With much anticipation, we ain't see any seedlings from the chrysanthemum seeds probably the seeds are no longer good for planting.
The cucumber seedlings

The tomato seedlings
No sign of seedlings for the Chrysanthemum seeds
I will have to buy a few larger pots and some black soil to transplant the seedlings to allow more room for them to grow. Hopefully I can get some home grown cucumbers and tomatoes soon.

1 comment:

  1. Hope the cucumber and tomatoes grow. I've just planted water melon seeds. have to wait and see:))
    Happy gardening!


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