Thursday, 13 November 2008

New Pair of Shoes

It's the end of school term tomorrow. Students of Malaysia will be having a long school holiday till the beginning of January 2009. We were told by the teacher that Pearl will have performance on stage during the closing of school term ceremony tommorrow morning that requires her to wear white shoes and socks. For that Cletus bought her a pair of white shoes yesterday since she never had white ones, but they were to big for her little legs. At last he got to change another pair from the same merchant which I find they are very nice and cute on her.

Pearl and her new pair of white sport shoes. She was wearing them for the whole evening till she gone to sleep.
Side view. The shoes strings are a bit too long

She posed for me to take the rear view of her new shoes

Of course the front view. They are very little and cute.

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