Saturday, 20 October 2012

My 600th Post - The reasons for me to continue blogging

I can't believe I have written 600 posts (including this post) on this humble blog of mine.

I started blogging about 5 years ago, on 18 December 2007 to be exact, here is my first blog post.  My first intention to blog was try to earn some extra income as I was told it can be done.   It was the time when I  have resigned from my job to try my luck on starting my own business.  Few months down the line, I did not earn much of an extra $ from blogging though I have put effort into building my blog.  At the same time my business did not do well and I decided to end it for good.  Not long later I decided to go back to work as an employee.

Business ended but I remain a consistent blogger till today.  And now, the main motivation for me to carry on blogging is for my 2 little daughters.  This blog is just like what it's mentioned on my blog's description, "meant to share my thoughts, findings, special interests and precious moments...." (of my life).  My girls are growing up each day. My eldest daughter, is an obedient reader of her mummy's blog.  She will check on my blog whenever she feels like and encourages me to update my blog if she notices I have been "lazy" blogging and would sometimes gives me ideas what to blog.  She loves to read my old posts recap her memories.  I am sure Pearl will follow suit when she can read more words.  

Gaining friendships through the blogsphere is another reason keep me blogging.  Though I have never met any of my blogger friends personally (due to the distance, for the fact that I am in East Malaysia, most of you are in West Malaysia, Singapore, US, UK and other parts of the world) I treasure your friendships very much.  I always make a point to visit some of your blogs whenever I can, most of the times a silent visit without leaving a comment.

Here, I would like to thank Claire for giving me this gift that she brought back from her holiday to the US.    I am one of the winner of her Giveaway.  She posted it to me through post and recheck with me whether I have received it a few days later.  I was excited to receive it! 


  1. Yes, blogging can bring us new friends.. glad you like it...

    1. yes, blogging is one way that allow us to connect friends around the world.

  2. this is my 1st time visit your blog and i truly like it :)

  3. Congrats, Agnes! Great connecting with u & it's always nice to see your comments in my posts :)

  4. Wow congrats! 600 posts sound alot to me!!


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