Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Goodies from Overseas

 My neighbour who went for a month holiday had come back 2 days ago.  She is a retiree who can afford to travel without much worries.  Children has all  grown up and no financial constraint.  It would be a best idea to travel while still can walk about.  

We heard our door bell rang while we were busy preparing our dinner the other night.  We peeped and saw our neighbour standing in front of our gate.  She brought us a bag of goodies from Hong Kong and Japan.  And a beautiful scarf for me from Japan too..will show the photo later.

 The biscuits and Moji

I like these moji - Seasame and Green Tea fillings
Japanese biscuits

Base on the name of the biscuit, it says crab biscuit from Shanghai..crab also can be made into biscuit:D

I opened them up last night for a round of tasting.  They are all sweet stuff.  Good for tea break. 


  1. Very nice neighbour. Mochi. I like that.

  2. You've got such a thoughtful and generous neighbor. Lucky you!


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