Thursday, 4 December 2008

New Bag

Yeh..I have got a new handbag from Clet which he bought from Keningau (what a place to shop right?). Knowing that I am searching for a handbag with reasonable price to replace the one I have been using which has already been torn, he called and told me that he found one and thought I would like it, price is reasonable enough for me to say YES. Though he forgotten about my birthday but did not forget what I need. So I treat this as my birthday present la...

Black and soft material handbag, smaller than the one I am carrying now. Clet prefers the smaller one to avoid me keeping junk stuff in my bag, he ever says that if he were to check my bag, definitely he is going to throw away many unneccessary stuff inside. Let's see if he ever do that, :D.

The back view of my new handbag
The price tag, if Clet were to negotiate on the price he will sure get some discounts.

He noticed that the merchandise that sells in small town like Keningau are found to be cheaper than in KK, there are varieties of choices too, so Clet is thinking of buying shoes for the girls during his next trip there.


  1. that is a good handbag and with that price, i dont think we can get it here in KK kan. Happy Belated Birthday Agnes, God Bless You always!

  2. Thanks Carolyn. I intend to do some shopping there if I go there with Clet & our girls someday.

  3. Hi dear! I have a tag for you. =)

    Business Mars

  4. wow! it's thoughful hubby of your to buy you look so young at 40,you have to tell me your secret fountain of youth,kasi share share ma:))happy belated BD!!

  5. Lesley

    Look young in the picture only bah! I only try to take supplements on a daily basis, at the moment I am taking vitamin C, Fish oil, Garlic capsules, to make me stronger, can't afford to get sick so often.


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