Thursday, 19 May 2016

Our first Fig Tree - Taiwan Golden Fig (TGF)

We bought our first Fig tree from the tamu place last weekend.  I first heard about fig trees from my colleague last year whom is a facebook fan of one of the local fig farm.  She told me that both the fig seedlings and fruits are expensive but the demand is good despite of the price.

Fig is a nutritious fruit contains minerals, vitamins and fiber, vitamin A, B1, B2, Calcium, iron, phosphorus, manganese, sodium, potassium & chlorine.  It is good to control and lower blood sugar level.  With that reason, we try to plant fig tree at home.  We bought a small plant in a poly bag and transplanted it to a pot with the soil mixture recommended by the nursery.  

The transplanting process of a Taiwan Golden Fig plant :

We also bought a packet of 6 pieces figs fruit (RM16.90 for 160gm) from the local mini market.  Marking our first time trying fresh fig fruits.


  1. I tried dried figs before. Sweet and inside is seedy. Never taste a fresh one.

    Good luck in your fig planting. Shouldn't be a problem as not much maintenance and care needed.

  2. I like to eat fresh figs and also figs in soup. Hope your fig tree will give you lots of figs.

  3. How clever of you! It'll probably die in my hands. Hahaha! xoxo

  4. I don't think I have tasted fig before. Yeah..heard that it is very expensive.

  5. Never try this kind of fruit, very interesting.

  6. Would be fun if you could grow this yourself! Hope your plant does well.

  7. Have never heard or tasted fig before

  8. I often ate dried figs but had no idea how they looked in fresh fruits. Thanks for sharing.


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