Thursday, 27 August 2015

Bambangan 野芒果

My colleague from Papar brought us some Bambangan from his family farm last week.  Our office immediately filled with its pungent smell as soon as he stepped in.  I have to keep these mangoes outside the office because some of them might not like its distinguished smell.

The fruit is brown in colour, selling at the tamu, we can also find the ready prepared ones in the containers, selling from RM4.00 per container.  It is one of the famous pickles in Sabah which believes to contain valuable source of antioxidant.

I like to eat jeruk bambangan (pickles) but never know how to prepare it.  My Kadazan colleagues gave me some guides on how to opening up the bambangan.  We have to open it up like a pomelo, petal by petal. That's my better half helping me out.  This is the first time we made Bambangan pickles at home.
looks like it is overripe
slicing into cubes, add some salt and keep in the containers, some would like to add chillies into it. 
Sour sweet Bambangan pickles are very appetising,  add some to the rice to make simple lunch for today.


  1. I never seen this fruit before. Only in Sabah I think.

  2. i saw this fruit before when i went to KK . Thought wanted to try but didnt see any ready to eat fruit.

  3. Bambangan is one proud fruits of Sabah. I tried it once before. Honestly to say, I also don't know how to prepare it. After reading your blog, now I know =)
    By the way, hi Sabahan blogger =)

  4. It's totally new to me, dear! So interesting....... xoxo

  5. Looks yummmie! Come to think if it there are some fruits in East Malaysia that are not found here in West Malaysia, this is one of them, I think, or at least I haven't seen this here. Thanks for sharing and thank you for stopping by.

  6. This is totally new to me too! Hopefully I'll have the chance to try it one day.

  7. My mum n my sisters love this, make sambal with it also nice.


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