Friday, 25 March 2016

Good Friday

We are blessed with early morning rain on Good Friday. The weather is not as hot after the rain. It's a state public holiday here allowing us to attend mass in church.
We practice no meat on Good Friday.  We even skipped lunch today.     
We had homecooked kolo mee in the late morning..cooked by my better half.
Ingredients for dinner..
Mushrooms macaroni at our girls' request and I added on boiled carrots.
Tomatoes sardine and mushrooms fried egg
Meatless meals except fish for the day


  1. Oh wow, mushroom fried egg. Have not try that before. Maybe I should one of these days :D

  2. Nice homecooked meal.

    Yup. A long weekend here too. My kids no school on Monday too.

  3. Nice home cook kan lau mee, more healthier and cheaper.

  4. Your homecooked meals all look good.

  5. I would like to have that mushroom fried egg


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