Friday, 1 April 2016

A satisfying breakfast

Simple yet satisfying breakfast for me.  I had this yesterday after a month long of having oats for breakfast.  I like the bitterness of the bitter gourd, it is also a cooling food on hot weather like this. What is your favourite breakfast? 


  1. Nasi lemak for me! I still can't get use to bitter gourd but I will still try on and off especially at those economy rice stalls because I know it is good. If I were to cook bitter gourd at home, sure nobody will touch them.

  2. Bittergourd with friedmihun. Interesting combination. I love buttergourd.

    My favourite breakfast? Got to be Sarawak laksa. ^^

  3. My all-time cheap and yummy economical meehoon. I can never ever get bored of it. Stuffed bitter gourd is my favorite too!

  4. I love to eat bitter gourds and mi hun too. Can't decide what is my favourite breakfast because I like to eat most food and I eat brunch more than breakfast so to me, even chicken rice is brunch.

  5. I lve bittergourd too! Very good for skin, hehe!

  6. Oh we used to have a lot of these kind of shops around in KL, nowadays it's mostly in mamak and in inner city places and you need to know where to look for them. It's the best value breakfast, can eat bee hoon, noodles, rice or kueh tiaw + 1 protein for a very reasonable price.

  7. Oh, it looks like perfect breakfast. I'd love to have it like my perfect breakfast instead my morning eggs. :)

  8. Roti canai with teh tarik kurang manis. :)

  9. I love bittergourd in soup, very cooling food for a hot weather


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