Thursday, 28 April 2016

Indian cuisine at Maimunah

We had a very satisfying meal at Maimunah, a 24-hour Indian eatery last Saturday.    

Chicken Nasi Biryani with an egg.  Lots of spices found in the rice (RM9.50), the portion is sufficient.  We ordered three.  This is far better than this one I had weeks ago at one of the Indian shop in Grace Court Sembulan.

side dish peanuts anchovies (ikan bilis)

another side dish is fried bitter gourd, my girls do not like bitter gourd but they ate this without complaint
We also ordered 2 roti canai kosong.  I realised something additional came with the roti canai, that's the sambal dip that filled up the right serving compartment, it was left empty all this while.
The total bill is less than RM40.00.


  1. Biryani. I love it! But cannot have it all the time. Burn a big hole in the pocket and too filling for the tummy. Lol.

  2. Would love to try the fried bitter gourd.

  3. Gosh! Such a tempting meal. Biryani has always been my all time fav.

  4. You made me having craving for briyani, slurps, I love Indian food

  5. I make it a point to eat roti and briyani at least once a month! Yours look tasty!

  6. I don't take Indian food, but my hubby will love this. Have a wonderful week, my dear! xoxo

  7. I have just packed nasi briyani for the girls' lunch today! YUMS!


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