Sunday, 12 June 2011

My 500th blog post - KFC & Pizza Hut discount Voucher

After about 4 years of blogging, this blog of mine has finally reached its 500th blog post today. In this blog post I am going to blog about the KFC discount vouchers we have been receiving for the past weeks.

We can claim for a KFC discount vouchers for every RM20.00 petrol refill at the Shell station, the promotion period is from 1st May - 15th June 2011, the validity date for these vouchers is by 31st July 2011, and it is only valid for KFC outlets in Kota Kinabalu & Labuan (exclude KFC outlets at the Kota Kinabalu International Airports (KKIA), both terminals. I believe many of us who have been patronising Shell stations here are receiving many copies of these vouchers.

For every RM20.00 refill of petrol, we are are given a RM2.70 discount voucher on KFC Meal 1 (2 pcs Chicken, 1 Regular soft drink, 1 regular whipped potato) and a discount voucher of RM4.70 for a Meal 1 at Pizza Hut which consists of 1 personal Pan Pizza and 1 Tropicana Twister Orange.

For every RM40.00 spent on petrol, the discount vouchers are a saving of RM6.40 on KFC Meal 2, consists of 5 pcs chicken, 1 regular whipped potato, 1 regular potato wedges and 3 buns as well as a saving of RM6.90 on Pizza Hut Meal 2 for 1 Regular Pan Pizza and 2 Tropicana Twister Orange.

These discount vouchers are pretty attractive, KFC and Pizza Hut are on the top lists of my family favourite fast food restuarants. I have collected 7 sets of these discounts vouchers and I don't think we can utilise all of them by 31st July 2011. The expiry date is too soon and too near, they should have given us more time to utilise these vouchers, I suppose they expect us to consume KFC and Pizza Hut's meals every other day, definitely it is not going to happen for the sake of our health and the health of our pockets. :D *.*


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