Friday, 2 March 2018

My Chap Goh Mei 2018

It is the end of the 2018 Chinese New Year celebration on Chap Goh Mei today.  Lots of fire crackers and fire works in our neighbourhood tonite from dinner time till almost midnight now.

I started my day by lighting a candle at the alter and say a little prayer asking the Lord to grant us with lots of love, safety & health for our family.

I had a lunch feast with my colleagues at a seafood restaurant just a walking distance away from my office today.  I pre-ordered the dishes yesterday to avoid the long wait because our lunch time is only 1 hour. I am the eldest among them in this photo. 
  A group photo after our lunch.  

We had a very simple dinner prepared by my better half at home tonite, 3 dishes : Chinese sausage, baked lamb, green amaranth with rice. 

It is a stay at home night for us, tomorrow is a schooling day for our girls, exams is just 2 days away.  We do not practice throwing mandarin oranges into the river or sea but it would be fun seeing people doing that.  We did not buy or eat any mandarin oranges this year because all of us in the house are prone to cough after eating it.  

Wishing those who read this post a Prosperous & Fulfilling year of the Dog 2018!!


  1. Happy belated chap goh mei to you and your family Agnes, Malaysia CNY is definitely more fun than SG with all the firecrackers lighting

  2. Wishing you a prosperous and wonderful year ahead. God bless you and your family.

    No, never throw oranges into river in my life. Haha. Left some oranges this year, I ate too many before CNY and caused me cough during the holiday. I also cooked Chap Goh

  3. I thought only single ladies throw oranges into the sea to fish out good husband. These days they made it fun in Penang where it becomes a carnival to lure young men to wait in the waters to catch the oranges with tel numbers written! The crowd would cheer and scream when the guys got wet and purposely took off their shirts to flex muscles. Grandmothers also screamed!!! LOLOL


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