Saturday, 21 June 2008

Photo Hunters - Water

This is the flowing water from the aquarium by the door way just outside our house.


  1. That is an interesting take on this weeks theme. You have your aquarium outside? I love watching fish in aquariums. We have a restaurant called the Aquarium here, great experience in dining. Have a wonderful week.

  2. Love the bubbles! The texture looks almost rough from this angle.

    Write From Karen

  3. You have an aquarium outSIDE the house? Wow...impressive.

    My 'water' theme this week is a road trip along the coastline of South Texas...ending at an historical mansion. Come by for a visit if you can!! Lots of pictures this time...hope you'll enjoy the history.

  4. That's a great photo. Running water is hard to capture but you've done it.


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