Wednesday, 9 April 2008


I was trying to clear the bucket full of dirty clothes since Sunday but was delayed somehow due to joy riding the whole day and was lucky to be back at home just minutes before the heavy down pour. Monday was a busy day for delivery of clients' order and was exhausted after that. Here comes Tuesday that I have got the chance to pick up dirty clothes here and there. The machine was loaded three times in order to clear all the backloads. It was also lucky that the sun shined so brightly to dry up the first two loads of clothes today. Looks like the bucket is half filled up again...:(


  1. Dishes and laundry stacked to the moon...sounds like a busy (blessed) household :D, I know, I got one of those too. My toot is up too if you care to take a look.

  2. My toot was about laundry too! Isn't it amazing that we never seem to run out of dirty clothes to wash?

  3. Ya same goes to dishes too there's always some waiting to be washed..


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